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Human SNP Microarray

Human SNP Microarray CapitalBio

By identifying the genome mutation information of gene chips, this SNP array technology is widely applied in the fields such as cancer research, genetic diagnosis of genetic diseases, drug screening, and diagnosis of pathogenic microorganisms, and it is an important means for the efficient and large-scale acquisition of relevant biological information.

GWAS Research On Susceptibility Gene
Research On Population Queue
Consumer Grade Gene Detection
GWAS Research On Pharmacogenomics
Evaluation And Management On Illness Risk
Advantages Microarray Information Platforms And Workflow Specifications

High-Quality Data: Our SNP gene chip array offers high throughput, stable performance, accurate detection, and excellent repeatability.

Cost-Effective: Economical and efficient, our SNP chip test is ideal for research involving large sample sizes.

Flexible Customization: We offer flexible customization options, supporting SNP customization at high, moderate, and low densities. Our SNP chip technology can also detect multiple species with a single chip.

Wide Application: Our SNP gene chip array is widely used in human genome research and precision medicine.

Rich Experience: With 20 years of experience and a certified SNP chip analysis and experiment system, we provide stable and reliable results.

Chip TypePlatformChip NameChip Format and Locus Quantity
Human AffymetrixAffymetrix GeneTitanCapitalBio Technology Precision Medicine Research Array(CBT_PMRA)24 and 96 formats: 800K SNP locus
SNP Chipchip platformAsia Precision Medicine Research Array(APMRA)24 and 96 formats: 750K SNP locus
Precision Medicine Research Array(PMRA)24 and 96 formats: 900K SNP locus
PharmacoScanTM Chip4 and 96 formats: 130K SNP locus

Human Illumina SNP ChipIllumina iScan chip platformAsian Screening Array(ASA)24 formats; 740K SNP locus
Global Screening Array(GSA)24 formats; 740K SNP locus
Human Zhonghua-824 formats; 900K SNP locus
OmniExpress24 formats; 710K SNP locus
Infinium Omni2.5-8 Kit8 formats; 2.3M SNP locus
Infinium Omni2.5Exome-8 Kit8 formats; 2.6MSNP locus
Infinium Omni5-4 Kit4 formats; 4.2M SNP locus
Infinium Omni5Exome-4 Kit4 formats; 4.5MSNP locus

microarray sequencing

human microarray

Sample RequirementsPurity: OD260/280 is within the range of 1.7-2.1

DNA amount ≥2μg

DNA Conc. ≥30ng/μL

Integrity:main band of genome is clear and free from RNA contamination, protein contamination or degradation, with molecular weight ≥10Kb.

Contact with Capitalbio
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Detection Kits/Reagents
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Biochip Design & Fabrication
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Building C, Block 88 Kechuang 6th Street, Yizhuang Biomedical Park, Beijing