Gene sequencer, also known as DNA sequencer, is an instrument for determining the base sequence, type and quantification of DNA fragments. It is mainly used in human genome sequencing, genetic diagnosis of human genetic diseases, infectious diseases and cancer, forensic paternity testing and individual identification, bioengineering drug screening, animal and plant hybrid breeding, etc.
2. Clinical application of gene sequencer
(1) Application in the diagnosis of infectious diseases
Sequencing technology can accurately analyze the base sequence. Through sequence comparison, various pathogens can be directly identified, typed and traced, and the gene sequence of the pathogen corresponding to an infectious disease can be determined. Efficacy and safety of medication. At the same time, genetic sequencing can be used to discover new pathogens and better prevent them.
(2) Application in the diagnosis of genetic diseases
Diseases caused by genetic mutations are hereditary and lifelong, and once contracted, they will bring suffering to oneself and the entire family. By sequencing the genes of the inspected personnel, checking the gene mutation status, judging whether there is a genetic disease, or inferring the probability of the disease in the offspring, it provides guidance for marriage and childbirth, and reduces the incidence of genetic diseases.
(3) Application in tumor diagnosis
The occurrence of tumors is the result of the combined action of genetic genes and environmental factors, of which genetic genes are internal factors, which are related to whether the human body has tumor susceptibility genes. The detection of tumor susceptibility genes can detect whether there are tumor susceptibility genes or familial aggregation carcinogenic factors in the human body, and provide a humanized guidance plan according to individual circumstances.
(4) Application in drug susceptibility genes
Differences in individual genotypes may lead to different medication outcomes for the same drug, and determining the corresponding genotype of patients can achieve more accurate medication and improve medication effects to a greater extent.
(5) Application in non-invasive prenatal screening
Prenatal screening of the fetus through gene sequencing can be used to detect the fetal genes by drawing the peripheral blood of pregnant women, so as to know the health status of the fetus in advance, such as screening for Down syndrome.
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